Property here showing as being among best value for money
Best value property to be found in Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the North of England
Buying a first home in Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the North of England is more affordable than a decade ago.
House prices there have not recovered after the financial crisis — meaning people don’t need to save as much for a deposit.
First-time buyers in Northern Ireland now need to save £23,347 for a 20 per cent house deposit — £14,393 less than in 2007.
In Yorkshire, you need to find an average of £22,589 — £1,635 less than a decade ago, according to Nationwide Building Society.
First-time buyers in Wales, Scotland and the North of England need to save £1,161, £81 and £1,257 less, respectively.
By contrast, buyers in London must put aside £82,743 to build up a deposit equal to a fifth of the value of a typical home —£30,000 more than a decade ago.
Article sourced from
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
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